OMG! Looking back (and forward) we really can't believe all the wonderful charitable organizations we've helped along the way. For all of these causes we've helped for free, and volunteered both our time and money in hopes to find a cure, support, and raise awareness. We know we left out a if you are reading this and you are not listed on our charities page, please reach out to us and help us remember. What a righteous path we've paved using the power of rock and roll. Thank you to the bands, musicians, singers, speakers, volunteers, special guests including, but not limited to, the DJ's, poets, comedians, belly dancers, magicians, rappers, security, all the people that dressed up as cows, bunnies, giraffes, dogs, trees, and every costume imaginable all in the name of a good time. Some events spanned over 10 years, others 5 years, and a few were just for 1 night, nonetheless, every show was special. We just wish we could have done more along the way!
Here's the list: