March 29, 2020
March 29, 2020
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Staten Island
New York
Please join me today at 1PM March 29, 2020 for: “Soup, Salad, and Sinatra”. A Free Live Stream at: https://rockandrollconference.com/events/soup-salad-sinatra/ I was supposed to be performing at an Assisted Living Community (ACL) this afternoon, and you know me…the show must go on!!! So the performance will continue and be live streamed at hospitals & ACL’s here in Staten Island. If you have anyone in your life, 65 & older, that would enjoy this virtual event (while having their soup & salad) please share. PS: You don’t have to register to enjoy the show, however if you want to comment please register. #SoupSaladandSinatra
Sinatra at the Sands is a live album by Frank Sinatra accompanied by Count Basie and his orchestra, and conducted and arranged by Quincy Jones, recorded live in the Copa Room of the former Sands Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas in 1966, recreated by Joseph Lalicata as part of a Charity Tour for Assisted Living Communities going by the name “Soup Salad & Sinatra”…This “Quarantine Live Stream” is for ages 65 & Older, however the performance is PG and welcome to all ages.